Dec 03, 2011
APPLESCRIPT file - How do I open a .applescript file Other types of files may also use the .applescript file extension. Can't open a .applescript file? When you double-click a file to open it, Windows examines the filename extension. If Windows recognizes the filename extension, it opens the file in the program that is associated with that filename extension. AppleScript: the Script Editor | Engadget Dec 27, 2007
AppleScript -
APPLESCRIPT File Extension - What is it? How to open an , right-click on any APPLESCRIPT file and then click "Open with" > "Choose another app". Now select another program and check the box "Always use this app to open *.APPLESCRIPT files". Update your software that should actually open Scripts. Because only the current version supports the latest APPLESCRIPT file format. Read and write text files with AppleScript
Use applescript to open file - AppleScript & Automator
In the Finder on your Mac, open the /Applications/Utilities folder.. Drag the Terminal app icon onto the Script Editor app icon .. Open Terminal’s AppleScript dictionary for me. In AppleScript, you can use the Do Shell Script command to send a UNIX shell script command to Terminal. AppleScript and Pages: Opening Documents An overview of the AppleScript support for opening documents in the iWork Pages application. In the script example below, the file reference used as the direct parameter of the open command, is generated by the choose file dialog, which returns a file reference in HFS alias format. NOTE: the character ¬ AppleScript: Beginner's Tutorial You can find this application in the AppleScript folder located in the Applications folder on your computer’s main hard drive. Navigate to this folder now and double-click the Script Editor icon to launch the application. NOTE: The following description and illustrations are for the Script Editor application included in Mac OSX 10.5.