Apr 15, 2020 · Turns out that it didn't work for me before only because of the hard limit in Citrix with the command line & all parameters needing to be <256 chars. So now I put my Chrome launch command line with the proxy switches into a batch file and used "start/exit" within it to prevent the DOS box from hanging out in the session. It works perfectly!

Not a real answer, since I cannot test these suggestions; but 1) In google-chrome.desktop you likely have more than one Exec line; the one that takes effect when you start Chrome—and that you should try editing—is that in the [Desktop Entry] section, while the one you edited (with the --incognito option) likely is in the [Desktop Action new-private-window] section and only takes effect Sometimes you need to use many different Proxy Auto Configuration files with a web browser, usually when testing or trying out new installation of the proxy servers. Most browsers have command line options that let you specify different PAC files to use which can then be configured so that you have multiple startup options. /path/to/Chrome --proxy-pac-url=file:///path/to/config.pac. The --proxy-server flag applies to URL loads only. There are other components of Chrome which may issue DNS resolves directly and hence bypass this proxy server. The most notable such component is the "DNS prefetcher".Hence if DNS prefetching is not disabled in Chrome then you will still see local DNS requests being issued by Chrome despite having specified a SOCKS v5 proxy server. Tried this to disable it by adding that command to shortcut target, but it doesnt work. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests. Is there any possible method to disable ssl check for websites ?

Open a website in Chrome browser from command prompt. A website can be opened from command line by specifying the URL of the website. start chrome www.windows-commandline.com Run command for Chrome to open a website. Run the command chrome websiteUrl to open a website in chrome.

In the latter case, Chrome falls back to the system settings only if no command-line options influence the proxy configuration. Proxy rules The proxy.ProxyRules object can contain either a singleProxy attribute or a subset of proxyForHttp , proxyForHttps , proxyForFtp , and fallbackProxy . The Chrome-Proxy "exp" directive value used by data reduction proxy to receive an alternative back end implementation. ↪--alt10 ⊗ No description ↪--alt2 ⊗ No description ↪--alt3 ⊗ No description ↪--alt4 ⊗ No description ↪--alt5 ⊗ No description ↪--alt6 ⊗ No description ↪--alt7 ⊗ No description ↪--alt8 ⊗ No description ↪--alt9 ⊗

Dec 11, 2018 · Useful Chrome Command Line Switches Explained Important : for some switches to take effect you need to close all Chrome windows before launching the executable with the parameters passed to it. Also, some of these command-line switches will work in Mac and Linux too.

Tried this to disable it by adding that command to shortcut target, but it doesnt work. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests. Is there any possible method to disable ssl check for websites ? Allow Chrome to bypass the firewall by adding it to the exception list. 8. Clear DNS cache data: Open command prompt and type the following commands and hit enter after each line. 1. ipconfig/flushdns Google Chrome Command Line Switches From the source file chrome_switches.cc I wasn't able to find a list of all the current command line flags for chrome.exe, so here they are (this may be outdated now, see the above source file for the latest version): Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes.--disable-hang-monitor For this we recently added some command-line options that allow you to run Chromium with custom proxy settings. Preference service for network settings Although the system network settings have been sufficient for our network stack, eventually there will be some configuration settings specific to our network stack, so we need to have our own